Using the latest in tech to help customers take risks

Cytora CytoraCytora CytoraCytora CytoraCytora CytoraCytora Cytora

Cytora’s vision was to help insurers stream risk, so insurers can help more customers take risks.



Design UX Strategy

Web Development

Our Challenge

One size doesn’t fit all with Marketing & UX

Cytora needed a seamless visual identity digitally that is representative of their band and makes the complexity of their product tangible, particularly in the digital world.

The Solution

Reduced content management time and increase efficiency

What’s more, their website was not user-friendly, and customers were struggling with its inefficiency. So, we needed to create an excellent user-customer digital experience to add content easily. Through this we helped Cytora increase efficiency for their customers.

Be creative, and take risks

Where there was previously bland text, we worked with the copy to create complex Lottie animations that moved, changed colours and interacted with the user.

Push the bar

Working flexibly and agile with a third-party web designer who provided us with complex animations that our developers coded. Pushing the boundaries of web animation, we defined a straightforward customer journey through the website.

Effortless content

We engineered an intuitive, user-friendly Content Management System (CMS) designed to streamline content uploads, enabling swift adaptation to evolving needs.

Our Work

Just some of our most
successful projects