Understanding the science of visual design and how it can impact digital conversions

Human cognition and behaviour are incredibly complex. There are so many different factors, some conscious and unconscious, that determine how your users perceive your products. But behavioural design can explain why certain designs are so much more effective at catching your eye than others.

In this bite-size webinar, we deconstruct the neuroscience of how vision can impact the visual design of your digital products by exploring how certain cognitive biases and the psychology of fonts can elicit positive reactions in people.

Sruthi will discuss

  • How neuroscience impacts the effects of visual design
  • How cognitive biases and the psychology of fonts can elicit positive reactions, helping us to understand bounce rates
  • The simple but effective behavioural design techniques that you can apply to your digital experience

Your hosts

Sruthi Ramaswamy.jpg


Behavioural experience designer

Building on Sruthi's extensive knowledge of consumerism, she provides unique value in articulating customer insights into experiences that drive performance.

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